Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sail through the changing ocean tides

Ever really realize how much things change?
like... just everything! friends, goals, dreams, and mostly ourselves.
seems like there are very few things that stay the same anymore.
maybe there comes a time when you realize who you really want to be in this life.
there would be questions and wonder, but after enough lessons learned.. i think we finally know.
Heck, maybe even after we feel like we know what we want, things just change again.
Recently I feel like I've been hit by the "Change Bus", and yes I made that up... 
All within a short amount of time, my friends change, my dreams change, and I change. 
Its like a snowball affect i think... one change just leads to another.

Fact is, nothing earthly stays the same. I wonder often how the rest of my life is going to turn out due to this. 
I used to think I wanted to settle down at an early age. I was on the path for that at one point too.
You know, get married, do husband and wifely things, and have kiddos.
That was my dream and the things I thought about most during my day...
my confidence was in it, I knew its what I wanted.
then God changed my plans for me again.
I don't even think of those things anymore. Like what kind of wedding i want, or how many kids I'm gonna have, and all that. I prefer not to think of it either. I'm not even optimistic about getting married one day anymore. 
Although this has been the change in me now, I hope this one doesn't stay.
But now I've been dying for the feeling of independence.
I feel like I have a lot recently.. I don't even like to ask anyone for help. If I'm gonna do something, I usually always like to do it on my own.
All I want to do anymore is go on road trips, drive new places on my own, meet up with long lost friends, and just feel free.
One thing on my bucket list was to learn to ride a motorcycle. Before I kind of held it off. But now I'm signed up for a motorcycle safety class and taking steps towards my dream of riding a motorcycle around the country!! *ahhhhh* just love the thought of it.
My mind goes off somewhere unexplainably happy when I'm driving on the interstate, riding my bike on a trail, running somewhere, or even a plane ride. 
I love the feeling of travel. I wish I could do it 24/7.
But at the moment, I don't get to as much as I'd like... Oh the responsibilities of life...
In the long run of this random talk of change. I'm reminded and glad to know there is one thing that never changes...
He will always love me the same, He doesn't go back on His promises, and is still the same yesterday, today, and forever. PRAISE!! 
Hes not gonna say "Sammy, I just don't love you anymore."
I know I can still always count on Him to be there, and know He will stay there for me.
No matter how much I change.

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